Frequently Asked Questions

While income is proportionate to the quantum of premium brought in, one can definitely build up a steady source of renewal/royalty stream of income for a long period (even without new business).There is a safety net of regular income which even a fixed salary person doesn’t have.

India is one of the least insured market in the world. Less than 40% of the insurable population has life policy and that too not adequate cover(Protection gap-Myth that one can have only one policy).

Only 20% of the advisors(working as active  professionals) bring in 80% of the business. You can strive to be in the 20% professionals. In any field there are strugglers in the beginning before they become Pro. By accessing our resources you can become professional life insurance advisor in 6-12 months

Like any other skills, marketing and sales is a learnable skill. There are more than enough resources, training and handholding available-your willingness is all that matters.

Strugglers in any field are looked down upon, its only successful persons who are respected. Build your knowledge and skills in financial planning, provide great value to clients- clients will start loving you. Once you are doing well financially, society will start respecting you.

In the modern world, every job is front end, sales oriented. Nowadays even a clerk in a bank will promote so many products of the bank, every organization looks at, How much revenue each employee is bringing? Most of the jobs are getting automated OR outsourced, its only sales and customer facing  jobs that will survive.

Neither was I. Its over a period of time, with the skillsets and training that we provide you will increase conversion to sales. Income is proportionate to the capacity to face rejections.



While its definitely possible, probability is high after few months’ time. It entails continuous learning and training, continuous prospecting, meeting new customers, following up.

Growth of income is practically limitless for self-employed sales professional. Job gets easier as business grows, your customer base helps you with referrals and repeat business.

Now new policy onboarding has moved online, Policy can be issued remotely. Prospecting and discussions can also be done digitally. Many of the servicing requirements have moves online. Your physical visit to LIC may be optional.

Yes you can do that, however primary motive should be to generate income by building wide client base.

No, you can procure policy from anywhere, even NRIs can be insured. You can complete the policy remotely using digital modes too. Most of the after sales service can be done online or from nearest branch of LIC.

We start with the product training after you pass the test. There are enough resources in the form of mobile apps, YouTube etc along with my handholding.

LIC agency is not a job. Its about being authorised representative and promoting LIC products. You may do this in evenings, weekends, after office hours. Employer shouldn’t have any objection to what you do in your personal time. Most of LIC agents are employed and doing this part time to build secured income.

Your objective I am sure is to earn good money from LIC so that your dependence on one source reduces and you can build a better lifestyle. Like every organisation, we do expect minimum activation levels to keep your code under active status. You will have motivation to continue only when you are able to earn good income. Can we focus on your income goals?

Most of us might have been taken for a ride by a smooth speaking sales person in the past. It very important that you provide value to your customers in terms of advice/insights, financial planning, other value adds and give excellent after sales service(few advisors give service to even the policy issued by others to build goodwill). The client must feel that we deserve the income that we are getting. Invest in learning and development

While few cases might get converted in the first attempt, mostly it will take few weeks to months. In the meantime keep nurturing the lead till conversion.

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